8.2.1 Each parish is required to complete an Audit that is issued by the Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Service annually. The data provided on the completed form indicates compliance with the standards set out in this Instruction, in terms of safe recruitment of volunteer Safeguarding personnel, participation in training courses, as well as preventative work.
8.2.2 The Parish Priest and Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, with advice from the Diocese where required, must prepare a Safeguarding Action Plan to address any areas of improvement that have been identified in the audit, including further training. To facilitate this, template planning forms, including on-line formats will be provided.
8.2.3 Each year the Parish Priest and/or Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator must address the parish community37Section C Exemplar Guidance on Safeguarding Statement to Parish on some aspect of Safeguarding, both to highlight the work being done and to alert the community to the need for continuing watchfulness.